Blogging our recent US trip day by day, a month after the event.

18th November – Grand Pianos

PianosYes, grand pianos. The American measure of windspeed according to Jamie’s TV. We woke to a seven grand piano day with intense rain. The rain eased as lunchtime approached, so we went to Frankfort for food at a fusion restaurant called, erm, Fusion. I had a curry – it was bloody good, an’all. It came, somewhat oddly, with a fortune cookie, which predicted the next day’s flight across America Fortunewith remarkable coincidentiality. No, that’s a word. Trust me, I’m a writer.

We walked off our post-prandial torpor, sauntering through a dreich day along the edge of Arcadia Marsh, which would be a dismal place to spend a whole day. A plop in the water was the most noteworthy event. No, not that sort of plop, you mucky pups. The sound, I mean, behind us, made by something unseen.

SunsetThe evening brought a glorious sunset, biscuits (US style) and gravy, Quantum Leap, packing for the next day’s flight, and experiencing that odd mix of sadness at leaving Michigan and eager anticipation for San Diego. Add a soupcon of airport-worry, and it’s surprising we slept as well as we did.


About wombat37

A Yorkshireman in the green hills of Lancashire, UK Not a real wombat, obviously, or typing would become an issue. I do have short legs and a hairy nose, however. Oh, & a distinctive smell.

Posted on December 19, 2015, in #WOMBATSDOAMERICA, America, Holiday, Michigan, USA, Walkies. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. You had biscuits with gravy? *pulls yucky face* Lots of big words in that post!


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