Category Archives: #SUNDAYPIX

Happy NuddyBooze Day

“Today is the 7th anniversary of one of the best ever days on Twitter. Back in the golden age when everyone was happy and free and we literally all ran around with our clothes off. Happy NuddyBooze day.” So said delectable @BottyB this morning, reminding me of this important anniversary.

I don’t quite remember how it all started, the idea of posting a pic of yourself naked with some booze, but I have a feeling that @lauriepink and @nyncompoop were involved. Pretty soon scores of people were joining in, embracing the spirit of joy in posing naked with alcohol. What could be more innocent? It was fun and funny, at times hilarious, and even dogs and teddies joined in the fun. There was invention aplenty, and no creepiness at all.

Although it spawned a few more #Nuddy themes – NuddyTeddy, NuddyFood and NuddyChristmas, I’m not sure we could manage to do this sort of thing these days without attracting a bunch of negativity. Happy times.

(I’ve anonymised the pics herein – I wonder if the subjects will recognise their own bottoms?)

#SUNDAYPIXtedadv – Sunday 7th June

P teddyadventure 12P teddyadventure 18You’ve all got a teddy, right? Or another sort of cuddly toy? Or ANY sort of toy or ornament with personality? Or one you’ve simply drawn and cut out just for this theme? Good. Then for this Sunday’s photo challenge take him/her/it out of the house and photograph it/her/him in unusual surroundings. The pictures of P teddyadventure 10“Teddy” (imaginatively named by P teddyadventure 08@TheRogueHeart a million years ago) that accompany this post may give you ideas for:


Teddy Adventure


Take a photograph of a toy having P teddyadventure 15an adventure outside your home. JoustingPost your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXtedadv in your tweet) then follow and enjoy the hashtag. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your cabin boy’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypixers’ tweets and admire.

#SUNDAYPIXcliche – Sunday 24th May

As cool as a cucumberAfter a few weeks of comparatively simple themes (which have, don’t get me wrong, sparked massive responses and some stunning photography), I thought it was about time we had a slightly thinky one. Our old friend @captain_doodle suggested:
“Howsabout #sundaypixcliche at some point? Recreate a verbal or visual cliche. Examples: stepping on a rake, slip on banana…”
And so it shall be! Picture me a cliché. Your new theme is:


Take a photograph that represents a cliché. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXcliche in your tweet) and enjoy the hashtag. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your powder monkey’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypixers’ tweets and admire.

#SUNDAYPIXdown–22nd March 2015

Click to embiggenAfter the great success of last week’s “Up” theme, a lot of you have suggested we do the opposite and go down (insert your own joke here). So, take a pic downwards. Maybe of a beautiful floor, the cats having their dinner, grass, discarded burger wrapper, your feet in the shower, whatever. Your new theme is:




Take a photograph in a generally downward direction. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXdown in your tweet) and enjoy the hashtag. SpringAs ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your sweaty lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypixers’ tweets and admire.

#SUNDAYPIXup – 16th March 2015

Roof beamIf you saw an earlier announcement that this would be #SUNDAYPIXback, I apologise. I’ve changed it from ‘On My Back’ because some people thought that meant that they had to photograph something sitting on their back. Which might actually be fun one day, come to think of it. Anyway, that pesky @captain_doodle popped up in my timeline and said “Future sundaypix idea for you, unless uv done it already. ON MY BACK. Take a pic straight up while lying on back. Could be sky, a ceiling, a supermarket roof, a sweaty lover’s face…”. Yes, he actually tweeted ‘uv’ – you should totally judge him for that. So, your new theme:




WiresTake a photograph straight up while lying on your back. Well OK, I know that you’re not going to lie on your back on a city pavement, or in the M&S lingerie section, so basically just take a shot straight up in the air as if you were lying on your back. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXup in your tweet) and enjoy the hashtag. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your sweaty lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypixers’ tweets and admire.

#SUNDAYPIXred – 1st March 2015

DSCN0394Not many of you fancied putting your undies on your head for me last time out (spoilsports), so let’s make the next theme nice and simple and wide and not at all underwear-related:




Take a photograph that embodies Red in some way. Be as imaginative as you like. The colour red does not have to appear in the photo, as long as the idea of Red is imparted. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday DSCF9913(including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXred in your tweet) and enjoy the hashtag. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your secret lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypickers’ tweets and admire.

#SUNDAYPIXalbumcover – 15th February 2015

B6iUgbTIgAAR7s1“When we visit a castle, we always take a selfie. I also always take an ‘album cover’ shot of himself. Here’s today’s”. Thus spake @phantom_blonde a few weeks ago, prompting this #SUNDAYPIX theme:


Album Cover


Take a photograph that you could use for the cover of your first (or third, if you’re @rachaelkanute) album. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXalbumcover in your tweet) and enjoy the hashtag countdown. It’s entirely up to you whether you crop it square, but it would look more like. B6iUgbTIgAAR7s1It’s also up to you whether you add text, as I have in the second example of @phantom_blonde’s pic. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your secret lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypickers’ tweets and admire.


Here’s another quick one I knocked up from a photo of me in the Sixties –


#SUNDAYPIXreflections – 1st February 2015

Dreaming Spire Here’s your new one – mirrors, rivers, thoughts, boobs – send us your – wait, not boobs, that’s just me – photographs of…




Take photographs of something reflecty. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXreflections in your tweet) and see how many people other people have the same idea. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your secret lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypickers’ tweets and snigger.

#SUNDAYPIXkitchensextoy – 25th January 2015

You can blame @EmmaSwainston for choosing this one. Your #SUNDAYPIX theme for 25th January is

A Thing From Your Kitchen That Looks Like It Might Be A Sex Toy

DSCF4813Don’t worry, we’ll snazzy that up in the hashtag, otherwise you’d have no room for the pic. Take photographs of something kitcheny that looks to you like it could be used in pervy shenanigans. Extra kudos will be given if said object has already been used as a sex toy. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday (including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXkitchensextoy in your tweet) and see how many people other people have kinky inclinations. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your secret lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypickers’ tweets and snigger.

Messy (#SUNDAYPIX 23rd November)

DSCF4344You know the place that you stuff everything that you don’t have a place for? The place you desperately hide everything when your Mum makes an unannounced visit? The junk drawer, full of pencils, ring-pulls, bras and elastic bands? The everything cupboard. Your #SUNDAYPIX theme for 23rd November is


Take photographs of your messy drawer or cupboard. Post your pics to Twitter on Sunday DSCF4345(including the hashtag #SUNDAYPIXmessy in your tweet) and see how many people throw up their hands in horror. As ever, photographs must be yours (or your family’s or your secret lover’s) – nowt just nicked off the internet. Yes, you can post an old pic you’ve previously taken, or even one from your family history. Follow the hashtag (click on it in any tweet or add a column to your app) on Sunday to see what others have made of the theme. You are encouraged, nay ordered, to comment on other Sundaypickers’ tweets and snigger.